Eddie Browser

Outfitter for All Seasons!

The colors of the seasonal images are as follows:

Season Wear Goes Here

It's time to bring Style into you Seasons!: Aesthetic gentrify YOLO McSweeney's typewriter single-origin coffee. Slow-carb hella listicle lomo, Helvetica single-origin coffee butcher stumptown. Chambray try-hard church-key mumblecore, tote bag PBR cardigan. Retro Austin Brooklyn, blog Intelligentsia gentrify jean shorts sartorial bicycle rights gastropub. Aesthetic wayfarers Pitchfork, tattooed Carles quinoa meh leggings distillery pork belly banjo. Umami cred lumbersexual skateboard, pork belly Tumblr vegan letterpress. Fixie bicycle rights butcher chillwave, gluten-free health goth Echo Park locavore whatever.

This page rotates by Day of Week Using HTML/CSS & JavaScript creating a single page rotating unique colors and content for each weekday (Sunday to Saturday) onto one page. Using jQuery, create a page that promotes a unique look and feel for each of the four seasons by changing a page in the 4 following areas: A unique color scheme, for example stylesheet or background color, etc. A unique logo, for example a picture of a snowflake for winter, etc. A unique item of clothing, for example a parka for winter. A unique string of text identifying the season. Page Description

Gluten-free selfies normcore chillwave. Listicle 90's chambray, yup seitan cold-pressed try-hard Etsy authentic flexitarian vinyl. Meditation bespoke freegan, single-origin coffee cred seitan 90's gentrify brunch Williamsburg squid cold-pressed. Brooklyn readymade Tumblr wayfarers ethical. Biodiesel VHS Godard High Life, tousled Banksy craft beer. Mlkshk direct trade locavore, mumblecore keytar artisan hashtag fap. Cred cronut Brooklyn, locavore art party small batch PBR semiotics ennui kitsch taxidermy mlkshk stumptown.

Polaroid iPhone plaid, Pitchfork Shoreditch paleo. wave. Listicle 90's chambray, yup seitan cold-pressed try-hard Etsy authentic flexitarian vinyl. Meditation bespoke freegan Hashtag keytar tea chia scenester Pinterest, semiotics tousled food truck. YOLO scenester deep v, taxidermy paleo quinoa McSweeney's Carles VHS mustache Williamsburg gluten-free readymade cold-pressed. Truffaut Thundercats Schlitz, listicle organic Brooklyn paleo squid asymmetrical readymade migas gluten-free Austin. Etsy Wes Anderson 8-bit retro, polaroid synth paleo banh mi before they sold out Vice. Bushwick fap Intelligentsia, whatever Etsy High Life Kickstarter migas retro Banksy YOLO Carles yr raw denim. Gluten-free fixie taxidermy pop-up, actually Kickstarter orem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi ut natus nemo mollitia quia eum dolor tenetur impedit quibusdam aut atque nisi ipsum, officiis tempore omnis rerum incidunt odit dignissimos flannel put a bird on it master cleanse.

Text provided by Hipster Ipsum