"Cell Phone Zombies" (aka Smartphone Zombies) short comedy play script by D. M. Larson

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BAKER: We have traveled back in time to a critical time in our history. This is a key moment where our world was nearly destroyed by a mind numbing technology that turned everyone into zombies. This is the zombie apocalypse!

JONES: It's horrible. What caused our ancestors to suffer this terrible fate?

BAKER: It's these strange devices they are all carrying around and staring at. They've all been put into a trance by these things. They can't stop looking at them.

JONES: What's that strange sound they're all making?

BAKER:We call it the iMoan.

JONES: This is too horrible. I can't watch. Why did you bring me back to see all this?

BAKER: Because history tells us you are the one who stops it. A time traveler with your name is the one who saves humanity?

JONES:Are you sure it was me? Jones is a pretty common name. I went to school with someone with the same name first and last name even, that's how common it is.

BAKER: I sure hope you're the right one. We've been planning this your entire life.

JONES: You mean you've been grooming me my whole life to travel back in time and save the world?


JONES: That explains the guy in the suit and sunglasses that was always following me around as a kid.

BAKER: I was hoping you didn't notice that.

JONES: He was creepy! He gave me nightmares!

BAKER: Sorry about that.

JONES: I had to get therapy!

BAKER: We paid for that.

JONES: It helped. Thanks.

BAKER: You're welcome.

JONES: So how am I supposed to save the world anyway?

BAKER: We're not sure. We just know that you somehow do it alone. No mention of anyone else.

JONES: No mention of you?

BAKER:Affirmative. Very odd indeed.

JONES: Hey! Lookout! That zombie is driving a car while looking at one of those devices!

BAKER: This is bad. These are all manual vehicles. No self driving cars in this time period.

JONES: It's headed right for us!

BAKER: I have to stop it. You have to be safe! You must complete your mission!

JONES: What are you doing?!

JONES: Oh no! Baker's dead. What do I do? Okay, stay calm Jones. You were trained for this kind of situation. The emergency kit. Look in the emergency kit. We have a wound self-cleaning bandage, common cold cure tablet, unlimited credit instant currency card good for any time period, instant shelter just add water, daily meal pill... a sonic toothbrush...

JONES: Did the sonic toothbrush just disrupt your phone?

ONES: This sonic toothbrush has higher settings... I'll turn it to up popcorn stuck between the teeth.

ZOMBIE: What's going on?

ZOMBIE: I don't know.

ZOMBIE: Where am I?

JONES: Welcome to the future, my good people. I have freed you of the terrible creature that took over your world. Be free of this hideous device forever.

ZOMBIE: Hey! I don't have insurance on that!

ZOMBIE: I have the dropsie plan. I can drop it and get a new one. I do that monthly. I always have to have the latest phone.

ZOMBIE: Let's go get new ones. I hear the new iPid is awesome.

ZOMBIE: What's an iPid?

ZOMBIE: I have no clue but it's new!

ZOMBIE: I want one!

JONES:It's no good. They are obsessed. I will have to find a way to destroy all the phones. Let's set this to plaque removal. Who would have thought someone could save the world with a sonic toothbrush?

JONES: Where is that time traveling device anyway? You'd think an emergency kit would have one or at least a return to home device or something. Oh well... at least I have this no credit limit currency card...

ZOMBIE: Zoink! I'm buying me an iPid.

JONES: Hey! Give that back!

ZOMBIE: A daily meal pill? Hmmm...

ZOMBIE: Hey, it's like I'm eating... like the food is appearing in my mouth as I suck the pill... Fruit Loops... coffee.... Donuts... some kind of melon... pizza for lunch... uh... why would they put anchovies on it? Uh...